About Us

From our community to yours – Welcome to CrossFit Amesbury!

CrossFit Amesbury is a family-owned affiliate whose objective is to raise awareness about fitness, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. It is our goal to become an integral part of the community with CrossFit as the common thread. We are committed to developing and nurturing all of our members, and to helping them embrace a lifestyle that we know changes lives. Everyone has the potential to be the best they can be physically, mentally, and emotionally. We want to be there to help you tap that potential and make it a reality.

Our Team

Dennis Monaco
Co-Owner & Coach

Dennis began doing CrossFit in 2010 when his son, Jared, opened his first box (CrossFit Route 1) in Saugus, MA. It was instrumental in changing the way Dennis approached his overall view of fitness and nutrition. Dennis was active in soccer most of his life so he understood the importance of staying active. He owes much of his good health today to the changes he made back then. This was his inspiration for attaining his CrossFit Level 1 certificate.

CrossFit Level 1

Interests: Golf and woodworking

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? Being a cheerleader.

Why CFA? Not to sound cliche but it’s the community.

Superpower? I want to be able to fly.

Favorite WOD? Anything with power cleans or snatches (excluding thrusters).

Favorite Quote? “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Braden Monaco
Co-Owner & Coach

Braden’s CrossFit journey started in 2011. It was love at first class. As a collegiate athlete, team sports have always been a part of his life. As soon as CrossFit Route 1 opened, his view of fitness and new found love for fitness was started. CrossFit quickly became a huge part of his life and existence. Braden submerged himself in competition (competing anytime he could, including CF Regionals 2012/2013), the camaraderie, the lifestyle, and the community. The single most important part of CrossFit to him is the community and how life changing it is for those that dedicate themselves to the process. After submerging himself into the sport, he quickly realized he wanted to help others experience what he was experiencing. From that desire, CFA was born.

CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Level 1

Interests: Working around my house and yard, hanging with friends and family, entrepreneurial activities!

What’s the most inspiring part of your job?Being able to provide a facility for people to grow, thrive and maintain their health.

Why CFA? Community, People, Passion and Purpose

Superpower? Not sure. something about work capacity… and helping others.

Favorite WOD? Anything with wall balls and hang cleans!

Favorite Quote? “Perseverance – Continuing a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure.”

Jared Monaco
Co-Owner & Coach

Jared is a co-owner of CrossFit Amesbury and head coach and owner of CrossFit Route 1. As a college athlete at Endicott College, Jared played varsity soccer and was appointed captain his senior year. He also played lacrosse at the collegiate level. After graduation, Jared continued to play soccer at the semi-professional level. It was during this time, Jared began coaching.

CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Coaches Prep
CrossFit Oly Lifting
CrossFit Movement and Mobility
Certified in Kettlebells (KBC)

Interests: Love playing with my kids, building legos with my boys, and playing any sports.

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? Being able to teach someone how to do something they never thought possible.

Why CFA? Being able to help educate about movement and nutrition to such a large community.

Superpower? I would love to be able to fly.

Favorite WOD? My favorite workout is anything without running and thrusters.

Favorite Quote? “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

Branden “Bwowo” Woitunski

Branden started CrossFit as an unhealthy teen that hated working out. He slowly lost weight and eventually began to love fitness and CrossFit. After finding his love for fitness, Branden realized that working in this type of environment is like a dream job. He attained his CrossFit Level 1 certification and tried to learn as much as he could about coaching. He has found a love of coaching people and watching them become better versions of themselves.

Crossfit Level 2

Interests: Music, mixed martial arts, podcasts

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? Watching people that have little confidence build it up over time and break through barriers they didn’t think they could get through.

Why CFA? I grew up here. I have been here since I was 15. This community has had its changes but I’ve been here through most of it.

Superpower? I would love to read people’s minds.

Favorite WOD? Fran

Favorite Quote? “There’s no talent here. This is hard work. This is an obsession.”

Emmy Monaco

Emmy started CrossFit in June of 2010 at CrossFit Route 1 in Saugus; she had been a spectator at what was then called the Northeast CrossFit Regionals and watched her brother-in-law Jared compete with his team. She saw all the athletes and thought to herself, “I can do that.” Emmy wanted to be a coach to interact more with the members and coach them in the ways she felt were beneficial to her when she was learning the ropes of CrossFit. She has a bachelor’s degree in a early Elementary Education and holds her Level 1 CrossFit certification. Emmy also holds a Level 1 training in Yogafit.

CrossFit Level 1
Yogafit Level 1

Interests: Spending time with my family and friends, reading, cooking new recipes!

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? When someone I coach or train makes great strides in a particular movement or with their training in general; when that person can recognize that all their hard work has paid off and can be proud of him/herself.

Why CFA? CFA is incredibly special to me because it’s centered around families and not just individuals. I love that kids,in particular in MomStrong classes, get to see their Moms and sometimes their Dads work their butts off to get fit. What a great example to set for their kids!

Superpower? I don’t necessary desire one particular superpower; just want to be Wonder Woman…I have wanted that my whole life!

Favorite WOD? I love “Murph” and who it honors and what it stands for. I’m always honored to participate in that workout every Memorial Day.

Favorite Quote? “And though she may be little…she is fierce.”-Shakespeare

Ryan McDermott

Ryan is a former Track & Field athlete and soccer player through college. After graduating in 2003, he began studying and competing in Muay Thai. Ryan fought competitively from 2005 to 2015. He started CrossFit in 2008 as his main strength and conditioning for competing. After retiring from fighting in 2015, he went full time CrossFit to maintain the same intensity as being in the ring. Ryan was one of the head coaches of his fight team for 12 years, coaching CrossFit came natural.

CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Scaling
CrossFit Programming
2005 USKBA National Super Middleweight Amateur Champion
2007 USKBA World Championships Super Middleweight Gold Medalist

Interests: Muay Thai/kickboxing, Boxing, shooting, road biking, hiking, reading, beach days and margaritas!

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? I find it incredibly fulfilling to be able to see my clients and community progress in strength, mental resilience and overall health. To have a core group of clientele exhibit grit, determination and mental resolve to fight through difficult things and be able to see them steadily improve over time is amazing to witness. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to see that time and time again.

Why CFA? The community and the accountability. That’s one of the things I love about CFA, you don’t need to worry about just the coach holding you accountable (even though he/she will) when your friends will do it for you on a daily basis!

Superpower? I’m going with never aging and time travel. I’d want to see how I faired as an outlaw in the wild west or as a gladiator in Rome… especially without penalty of death ha!

Favorite WOD? Murph. Because of the difficulty, the community on Murph Day, and most importantly for the reason it exists: LT Michael Murphy, American hero.

Favorite Quote: “Victory is reserved for those willing to pay its price.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Barb Higgins

Barb Higgins

Barb came to CrossFit in 2011. She immediately loved the competitive aspect as well as the age range of participants. As a Health Educator and longtime distance running coach, Barb also loves the class structure and inclusivity. She was a Division I All American at Boston University in Track & Field in 1983 and is also a mom to Gracie and Jack.

CrossFit Level 1
USATF L-2 C2 Rowing
NH Certified Elementary/Special Ed, PE and Health K-12
Adaptive PE K-12

Interests: Creating activities for children, writing, podcasting, tap dancing, hiking, all things Disney

What’s the most inspiring part of your job? Watching people achieve things they thought they couldn’t do. Creating a positive class atmosphere especially by successfully scaling so everyone feels successful.

Why CFA? In my 11 years in this sport, I have never experienced a gym as inclusive, supportive, and welcoming as CFA. The variety of classes is unparalleled! CFA exemplifies the best of CrossFit.

Superpower? I’m very good at getting back up after a fall. I am tenacious. My pain threshold is my secret weapon!!

Favorite WOD? 12 Days of Christmas, Pain-storm, Murph, Filthy Fifty

Favorite Quote? “It’s supposed to be hard! The hard is what makes it so great. If it was easy everyone would do it!” -Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own

Chris Jacques

CrossFit Level 1

Tracy Fuller

CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Kids